Monster Taipei 活動資訊!!!!!!!
『MOLLY& YOU的攝影展』競賽相片開始徵稿囉!
MONSTER GEAR堂堂邁入第三個年頭,十分感謝大家一路陪伴、支持我們代理的品牌。為了慶祝這難得的時刻,我們將與香港KENNYSWORK聯手舉辦特別企劃,希望廣邀各位喜歡Molly的朋友、帥哥美女、攝影發燒友,一起來拍下您與Molly同在的珍貴點滴或難忘時刻,然後將照片寄到MONSTER GEAR。
投稿期間:即日起至- 2010/11/25
1.投稿期間請將兩種尺寸之照片連同數位檔或底片及200字以內文字寄至 MONSTER GEAR (106台北市大安路一段51巷46號1樓,請註明中午12點
3.展覽期間會將投稿照片展示於MONSTER GEAR店內。
1.五名優勝作品- MONSTER GEAR吉祥物限定版
2.十五名佳作- KENNYSWORK設計師KENNY親自提供的神祕禮物
1.相片兩種尺寸分別為5″ x 7 “和8″ x 10″各一張
2.檔案大小需500萬畫素(2560 x 1920)以上
投稿者參加本活動視同同意以下事項 -
1.參加者不限國籍,只要是Molly的愛護者都能參加競賽。前50名最受歡迎的作品,將在KENNYSWORK網站和MONSTER GEAR部落格上發表。
2.參加本活動之稿件版權屬投稿者所有,然MONSTER GEAR得公開展示稿件於MONSTER GEAR店內,以及在告知創作者後使用於非營利展覽。
Come to celebrate the 3rd Anniversary of Monster Gear and join the photo contest -” Molly & You Photo Contest” now! It is by Monster Gear x Kennyswork. Here a great opportunity for our big fans to show off their photography talent. We welcome you guys and gals submit your nicest photos, of course with our lovely Molly. Let’s your treasure moment with Molly be showcased to everybody!
We’ll select 5 excellent photos & 15 best photos for rewarding limited editional prizes! Check out dtails:
Submittion date: now – 11/25
Review period: 11/25 -12/17
Announce date: 12/17
Exhibition period: 12/17 -12/26
It couldn’t be easier!
1. Send your photo in two sizes mentioned below and together with digital files. Tell us your story with a description within 200 words to make Kenny Wong sit up and take notice! Address: Monster Gear, buying viagra online 1/F., No. 44 ,Lane 51, sec. 1 Da-an rd., Taipei city 106, Taiwan. Phone no. 886-2-27715700 (kindly marked closing time:12:30 pm).
2. This is “Molly & You Photo Contest”, of course Molly should have been photographed.
Generic pharmacy style=”margin: 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px; font: 12.0px Arial; color: #0000ff;”>3. An exhibition of winning entries will take place at the Monster Gear.
4. Kenny Wong will present awards to the winners after the opening ceremony of 3rd Anniversary party.
1. the 5 excellence – limited edition mascots from Monster Gear
2. the 15 best – mystery gifts from Kennyswork designed by Kenny Wong
Photo format:
1. with two sizes: 5″ x 7″ + 8″ x 10″
2. > 500 MB (2560 x 1920 pixel)
3. maximum 2 photos for every entry
4. remind to write down your name, contact phone number, email. If not, how can we contact you!
All submissions are not returnabel. Welcome any inquery. before result announcing date.
Order Generic Levitra Online without Prescription style=”margin: 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px; font: 12.0px Arial; color: #0000ff;”>1. No limitations, no bountries. Open to all Molly fans . For the best 50 photos will be publicized on Kennyswork’s & Monster Gear’s blog.
2. Ownership of the submitted files is belong to creator at all times. However, by sending your photo to Monster Gear, you are assigning the image rights to Monster Gear to publize as noncommercial use.
3. Strongly suggest all submited photographs that are un-manipulated and real (minor burning, dodging and/or color correction is acceptable.) The photograph must be a single work of original material taken by the Contest entrant. It must not contain obscene, objectionable or inappropriate Order Generic Levitra Online without Prescription content, and it does not constitute copyright infringement or fraud.
4. Monster Gear reserved all the rights for any change of this Photo Contest activity.

tu e s da y, October 05, 2010

coming soon~