© 2013 created by kennyswork
Kenny Wong 王信明 -“KENNYSWORK”創立人,
成名作品有"Molly the painter"以及"copperhead-18",
當中包括以其系列 Copperhead-18命名推出levi's TEE 及牛仔褲
首次為日本電玩公司Square Enix 設計一系列電玩角色

kenny's Bio:
Kenny Wong(www.kennyswork.com) - Founder of the Kennyswork , Director of the Brothersfree and
vice chairman of the Hong Kong Society of illustrators .
Kenny Wong - founder of “KENNYSWORK”, Art Director of “brothersfree”
and founding members of Hong Kong Society of Illustrators.
His highlight works including his brands - “Molly the Painter” and
“Copperhead-18”. They did crossover with well-known brands successfully,
which including “Copperhead-18” x Levis tee and jeans etc.
US Disneyland delegated Mickey Mouse to Kenny for a “Mickey Designer
Series” making him became the first authorized designer in HK.
Kenny is the first appointed HK designer to aut by US Disneyland to work on
Mickey Mouse series.
Kenny's personal works was exhibited in HK Arts Centre, HKU Museum and HK Visual
Arts Centre , Beijing Sanitun,Tainan Kun Shan University and Seoul National University of Technology
Now, Kenny is focusing on his license and design works.