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關於About Kennyswork


由著名香港本地設計師王信明於2006年創立kennyswork Company Limited,成名品牌包括小畫家茉莉(Molly the Painter),十八銅人(Copperhead-18),除了自家品牌推出超過100件產品發售外,我們現已授權製作不同種類的產品,例如 : 電子產品,成衣,皮革用品,文具,紙品,首飾等等。 


kennyswork深受各大國際品牌愛戴,曾合作的品牌包括 : 可口可樂,三星,台灣7Eleven, 台灣富邦銀行,台灣全家便利店,Rody,日本Square Enix,日本Uniqlo,星架坡"錦囊"(Canon),Levis,迪士尼,樂壇天王五月天主音"亞信"旗下的 StayReal,中國淘寶,渣打銀行.......等等。


Kennyswork旗下品牌" Molly"亦深受各大企業客戶推崇,被邀請用作不同大型商場作主題設計,為"Molly"與商場作出推廣,計有 : La-foret ,恆基業商場,美麗華商場,新港城中心,新都會廣場,APM.....等等。 




Famous Hong Kong designer Kenny Wong is the founder of Kennyswork Company Limited. Well-known characters include Molly the Painter & Copperhead-18 with over 100 items developed under these two brands. We also authorize our brands for licensing purpose to different industrial sectors. For example electronics, apparel, leather products, stationaries, paper products and jewelry.


Kennyswork alos beloved by lots of big brand names look Coca Cola, Samsung, Taiwan 7Eleven, Taipei Fubon Bank, Taiwan FamilyMart, Japan Square Enix Japan Uniqlo, Sinagore Cannon, Levis, Disney, StayReal under Taiwan boys band MAyDay, China TaoBao, Charter Bank…


Being so endearing, brands under Kennyswork always invited by local shopping malls as their theme of the month for boosting their sales. List includes: La-foret, Henderson Mall, Miramar Mall, Sun Shine City Plaza, Metroplaza, APM…


You can find our brands appear on different promotional activities through all kind of medium around China, Taiwan, Japan, Malaysia & Singapore.


This is our goal to make our brands go into every corner in the world that's why we look forward to seek every chance to make partnership with very potential client.

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